Jul 25, 2014

Review--Wings by Elizabeth Richards

Following the enthralling cliff-hanger ending of Phoenix, Natalie finds herself separated from Ash and unexpectedly reunited with her parents, including the father she thought was dead. After her escape from prison, Natalie's mother joined the Sentry Rebellion and had Natalie brought to her in Gallium. Natalie's relieved to know her parents are okay, despite her shock at learning her father is alive and well, but she can only think of Ash. She hasn't heard a word of him since she and Elijah were brought to the underground headquarters of the Sentry Rebellion. But she knows he's out there. And she vows not to stop searching for him, even if her parents won't help.

Ash, meanwhile, finds himself back in Black City, which was abandoned after the fires he set ravaged the city weeks ago. Still on the run from the Sentry government and now aligned with Elijah's brothers, it's the perfect place to avoid detection. He worries for Natalie, but the beat of his heart tells him she's still alive somewhere. He won't stop searching until he finds her, even as the United Sentry States and the terrible reign of Purian Rose come crashing down around him.


So I've finally read Elizabeth Richards' Wings, the conclusion to the Black City trilogy. I had read the first two installments in this series as ARCs, and then to top it off, I read this one over a month after its release. Naturally, my memory was off the fritz with trying to recall what had happened, besides the usual chaos. Add in a different trilogy with a similar setting and yeah, I struggled to get back into the groove of things, but as the pages kept turning, I gradually got into the story anew!

Basically, everything is in chaos in the United Sentry States. Purian Rose is still in power and causing mass destruction in a whole new way. Anyone not human, is a target and as to what he has planned for the country, we can only guess.

Natalie while happy to be with her parents, wants to find Ash and she's denied this at every turn. Until she finally rallies her friends and they go out to do just that. So in turn begins a whole new journey filled with danger and lots of action! Wings made for an incredible read! Add to that a new voice taking over a few chapters and we get some surprising insight. Granted, we have no clue what these past events have to do with the current ones. I really couldn't figure it out at all until it's said, but I blame that on it being over a year since I read Phoenix

I must say this is as "pulse-racing" as the cover jacket predicts! There is just so much action, so much that happens in this one, I was totally blown away! Revelations, deaths a plenty and other shocking twists made this a read to really keep you on your toes! And the ending was definitely the most pulse-racing of all! Just as you think you got things figured out, Elizabeth sends you in another direction to keep your heart racing!

There's definitely still moments of romance though! And despite my shoddy memory, I still totally melted at each and every one! Ash and Natalie are definitely one enjoyable couple! They've had their moments of doubts and struggles, but yet they still come to love one another through it all! 

The ending, the final ending I should say, definitely leaves you feeling content. There's a moment of peace and hope that I always love seeing with our characters. I always feel happy feeling like I know more of where they all stand and this one definitely gives out that feeling! I cannot wait to see what else Elizabeth will bring to us in the future, for I am definitely a fan for life!

Overall Rating 4/5 stars

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